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8305 Camp Durant Road

I love Durant nature preserve for its hiking trails, lake, and playgrounds, as well as its children’s activities! Wee Walkers is one of those great activities they schedule monthly. If you’re looking for more outdoor fun, check out their Nature and Sensory Play Days as well!

Wee Walkers class for toddlers

Wee walkers is a FREE monthly event, but they do ask that you pre-register through Raleigh RecLink for planning purposes. However, it’s okay if you forget to register in advance (like me and most of the other parents)!

Wee Walkers is a 45 minute mini-hike through the woods with a different theme each week. The first time we went the theme was centipedes and millipedes, and the next time it was squirrels.

During the class you will wander through the woods following the instructor Mr. Jack, who teaches kids age-appropriate things about science and nature. Think your child is too young? My 2 year old loves it! He asks to go see “Mr Jack and bugs” all the time! (A big shout out to Mr Jack for making this so much fun for the kids!!)

Periodically the group will make a pit-stop and Mr. Jack will pull out something from his backpack for all the kids to see. In the past it’s been a jar of millipedes, a squirrel skin, or something else pertaining to the topic of the day.

This is NOT a stroller friendly activity. You do actually go into the woods, so for the kids who are not walking well yet it may be too big of a challenge. Or you will do a lot of carrying.

Mr Jack and his backpack

Nature and Sensory Play

The sensory play program is less movement and more open play and exploring. You will meet at the sensory garden to your left at the park entrance. Durant Staff will setup various stations throughout the garden that your kids can explore on their own, including gardening, water play, sandbox, bubbles, and a fairy house.

I enjoy this program as a meetup so I can chat with my mommy friends and the kids can explore with kids their own age! It’s easier for moms of multiples or non-walking kids since you stay in one fenced off area and there are plenty of things to do while sitting. These play days are usually scheduled monthly, but check RecLink for details.

playing in the sandbox
gardening with friends

While you are at Durant Nature Preserve, you can also walk down and enjoy the playground or pack a picnic lunch!

It’s important for me to instill in my children a respect and appreciation for nature. I think one of the best ways to do that is increasing their knowledge of the world around us. I learn so much myself during our programs at Durant, so I highly recommend it if you’re looking for some nature play!

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