Years ago I heard about Geocaching and I thought it would be something fun for my husband and I to do together. Three kids later and I had totally forgotten about it until a friend recently mentioned it might be something fun to try during social distancing! We’ve been walking the trails already, so why not add a little more fun and try to find “treasure” as we go?!
What is Geocaching?
Geocaching is a real-world, outdoor treasure hunt using your phone GPS. You can go online or download the app to see caches hidden near you. Your GPS will then guide you to the correct area so you can attempt to find the geocache (container) hidden at that location.

First Attempt = too far off the path
For our first Geocache expedition we decided to stay close to home. I saw a couple on the map on the Neuse River Trail nearby so we headed that way and started walking. Once we got there, we realized the first cache on our list was way off the trail in the woods, so we didn’t even try that one with 3 toddlers!

Second attempt = Unsuccessful
We attempted to find the second cache, but were unsuccessful. There was a hint that it was located under a leaning tree, but we never could find it. On the app you can view a log of everyone who found or did not find the cache. Someone had just found it 6 days before us, so I guess they have a better eye than we do! Some caches have lots of hints to help you find it, but this one didn’t.

Third Attempt = Success!
The third cache was the charm! We found it after using all of the hints, so I guess we technically cheated? It was pretty cleverly hidden in a unique way, so kudos to whoever placed it! The container was so small that all it could hold was a paper log to sign your name. I’ve heard that other caches hold trinkets and toys. You can keep what’s there and replace with something of your own for the next person to keep!

Overall our first geocache adventure was lots of fun and we will definitely be doing it again! We only walked about a half a mile round-trip to reach all 3 caches. There were lots more located within a mile, but those little legs couldn’t go much further!
You can go online or pull up the app anytime to find caches near you, and you can easily start navigation to get you to the right spot. Try it the next time you’re out on a walk or at a park! You’d be surprised what all is hidden around you!