Governor Roy Cooper announced on Wednesday, September 30th, 2020, that North Carolina will be entering Phase 3 of the COVID-19 response on October 2nd at 5pm. This order will remain in effect until at least October 23rd (extended another 3 weeks to at least November 13th). Below we have highlighted the main points that pertain to parents of children in the Raleigh area. Keep in mind that individual businesses may have tighter restrictions than what is allowed.

Continued recommendations
- High risk individuals should stay home, and everyone should stay home if sick
- Businesses and organizations must maintain customer social distancing of 6 feet apart
- Face coverings are required for people age 5 and above whenever you are unable to socially distance from others
- Mass gatherings are limited to 25 indoors and 50 outdoors. This includes parades, fairs, and festivals. In indoor facilities, the Mass Gathering limit applies per room of the facility. At a park, beach, or trail, the outdoor Mass Gathering limit applies to each group of people.
Amusement Parks and Transportation may open
Indoor areas can open, but indoor rides and attractions must remain closed. Amusement trains and hayrides may operate outdoors.
Bars, Auditoriums, and Music Halls may open Outdoors
Bars are not able to serve alcohol indoors, and indoor amenities like pool tables must remain closed. Outdoor seating areas may open with only 100 seated people, or 30% capacity of the outdoor space.
Movie Theaters and Arcades may open
Capacity is limited to 100 people or 30% capacity per room.
Large outdoor arenas may open
Capacity is limited to 7% of the total seated capacity. All events must be ticketed with no “standing room only.”
You can read the full proclamation in it’s entirety here. You can also read our previously posted phase 2.5 parent’s guide here.