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You may have visited the NC Museum of Art and viewed the exhibits indoors, but during this period of social distancing we have really enjoyed the outside museum park! It features temporary and permanent art installations by various artists, colorful gardens, miles of walking trails, and a pond.  There are also a couple interactive features, which will be lots of fun once they’re open again!

map of NCMA Park

Art Installations

Walking through the NCMA park is a different experience than walking through a regular park. The art installations add visual appeal, and you can become an art critic! As we walked I asked the kids about the art they saw and what they thought of each sculpture. Some piqued their interest and they had lots to say, others not so much, but either way they were using their brains!

the kids enjoyed this temporary installation that looked like a mini-city!

Paved Walking Trails

We honestly only scratched the surface of this park. We walked part of the blue loop and that was enough for my kids. At age 5, 4, and 2 they just can’t walk that far, but if I was on my own I would have ventured back into the Meadow or Woodland Trail. There are quite a few more art pieces back there that I would love to see!

walking the rotunda

Playground Art

I didn’t get a picture, but back behind the amphitheater there is a pile of large boulders. This entertained the kids for a while and they enjoyed climbing and balancing on the rocks.

Nearby, the pig playground was closed due to social distancing requirements, but take note that it’s there for future use! You can climb into the belly of the pig and then slide down the side.

art that doubles as a playground!


Up in the courtyard there are fountains the kids can splash and play in. They were turned on the first time we went, but turned off the second time. I’m not sure if they’re on a schedule or if they just decided to turn them off for the time being.

enjoying the fountains
we love murals!

And don’t forget to venture over to the back of the West Building and see the reflection pond! It’s hidden in the back so most people miss it!

the reflecting pond was a favorite, but it was hard to stop the kids from climbing in!

For more information about the NC Museum of Art (NCMA) Park check out their website. The park is completely stroller friendly so this is a great place to take those babies!

If you’re looking for other places to take a walk, try our list of great walking trails in the area.

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