Pick your own produce farms are a big thing here around Raleigh. Strawberry picking starts around May and Blueberry picking starts around June. But in August it’s time for Muscadine and Scuppernong grapes!

If you’re like me, muscadine grapes only sound familiar because you’ve been in the wine section recently, or you listen to country music. 😂
Scuppernongs and Muscadines are a species of grape native to the south. Scuppernongs are actually the state fruit of North Carolina (the things you learn…)! These grapes have a great taste in the fruit part, but the skin has a bit of a bitter taste. They also contain seeds, which my kids weren’t very fond of. Supposedly you’re supposed to bite into the Muscadine, enjoy the juice, and spit out the rest. They’re definitely not your regular table grape, but they’re great for making wine or jam! I found some great recipes listed here. Or if you’re like us, you just like finding new things to do as a family and picking grapes sounded like a fun time!

We stopped at Emma Victoria Vineyards in Rolesville for a little pick-your-own grapes action. It’s right off main street and not too far from Main Street Park and Party Delights. I was actually surprised it was there, but I had never been north of Young Street so I guess I shouldn’t be surprised.

It’s definitely a no-frills, Mom and Pop shop setup, but the owners were super nice and friendly. They warned us of fire ants in the field, but I only saw one hill while we were there. Everything was well maintained and it was easy to find lots of grapes on the vine. They said they are out there for picking from 9am until dark every day except Sundays, when they open at 1pm.
Grapes were only $1.25/lb, which is lower than other u-pick places I’ve seen. We didn’t fill our bucket so I’m not sure how much you would pay if you did.
U-Pick Vineyards near the Triangle
If you’re looking for other U-pick grape spots, here’s the list we were able to find! Let us know if there’s one we missed!
Emma Victoria Vineyard
719 North Main Street Rolesville, NC 27571
Granny Pearls Farm
7209 Mitchell Mill Rd, Zebulon, North Carolina
Herndon Hills Farm
7110 Massey Chapel Road/Barbee Road, Durham, NC 27713
Moccasin Creek Muscadines
9409 Baker Road, Zebulon NC.
Myrick Vineyards
205 Hatcher Rd. Selma, NC