Annie Louise Wilkerson Nature Preserve is a quite little getaway right in NE Raleigh. The Preserve has nice, fairly easy hiking trails for younger children. It also connects to the mountains to sea trail for further hiking.
One of my favorite parts of Annie Wilkerson is the natural playground, which also has a troll and fairy garden trails. It’s nice and shaded. I’ve never been there when it’s overly busy.

Being here feels like a retreat – an escape in an otherwise hectic life. I really love hiking alone when I need a break from being a parent and this is one of my favorite places to go. Sometimes, I go to Durant Nature Preserve but it can be a busier location. I take the kids here for short hiking and then playtime at the natural playground.
Inside the community center is a cute little play area, usually there is a craft set up. Different things to inspect with magnifying glasses, little nature based toys to play with. It’s not a place you can spend all morning in, but it is worth stopping by to take a break from the outdoor elements.

Inside you can also find Cornelious the cornsnake, who I understand is senile. Who knew there was even such a thing as a senile snake?

They offer several educational programs. Our girl scout troop is did a program there on amphibians and reptiles.It was super affordable and an excellent, professionally run program. I completely recommend it!
There is not a TON of things to do at Wilkerson nature preserve. There are no playgrounds or anything of that nature. However, they do put on an AWESOME nature play days event a few times a year. It’s one of my favorite events so check our calendar to see if one is coming up.
But on a regular day they do have the natural play area, which is worth checking out. I think limited activities is actually part of the appeal. It’s a nice escape and you don’t have to leave Raleigh to go. Definitely worth checking out.