Snapology is a fantastic concept that provides interactive STEAM programs for children featuring technology and/or popular building toys (such as LEGO® bricks and K’Nex® toys). Older kids can take classes on Robotics, Movie-Making, Drones and Video Game Design, and your children are sure to be engaged from the minute they walk in the door. With dozens of programs to choose from, there’s something for everyone!

Bricks and Books Preschool Class
We had been trying for months to find a one-time Snapology class that would work for my 3-6 year olds, but we kept striking out. The classes usually run in a weekly series, but we weren’t ready for that big of a commitment. Classes tend to start at age 4 or 5 so I could have signed up my older girls with no problem, but I wanted my 3 year old to be able to participate as well. We finally found a preschool Snapology class called Bricks and Books that included 3 year olds. Unfortunately these preschool classes aren’t as well attended as other Snapology classes and will be canceled if not enough people enroll. It took a few tries to enroll in class, but once we finally got it scheduled we all had a blast learning about the lifecycle of a frog and building our very own frog and tadpole with K’Nex.
What to Expect
Our class was led by a sweet instructor named Ms. Becky. She started the class with a frog coloring sheet while everyone arrived. She then taught us about the lifecycle of a frog and how it begins as an egg and proceeds to tadpole, froglet, and adult frog. She pointed out the differences between each stage and then gave us K’Nex and instructions to build our own frog. My 5 and 6 year old were able to build their frogs all on their own with the instruction sheet provided. My 3 year old needed a little more help pushing the pieces together, but he got much better as time went on. I loved that the mat we were working on was the correct size of the K’nex pieces so it was easy to line it all up and match everything together.
After building our creations we read a book about a jumping frog and were able to jump along with the story. We then returned to disassemble our frog and build a tadpole instead. My kids were a little sad at the end of class when they realized they had to leave all of the pieces behind and were unable to take them home with them. I guess we might just have to invest in some K’Nex!
Of course, classes for older kids will follow a different format and have different activities available. However, this gave me a small taste of the value in Snapology classes and this is definitely something I will sign my kids up for again in the future! It reminded me a bit of the Kid Lab class we took at Read with Me Bookstore in Downtown Raleigh. There’s definitely a lot of value to the class and I love that it covers science and engineering concepts! I’ll probably wait until my 3 year old turns 4 so they can all take a more advanced class together.
starting out with a coloring sheet about frogs building our frogs with K’Nex story time with our creations
Register for Classes
The Snapology franchise in our area is based in Wendell, but they host classes all over the triangle from Clayton, Wake Forest, Knightdale, and Fuquay-Varina. You can view the current list of classes and register here. They are currently running a 50% off camp special! Snapology partners with community centers and other local businesses to host camps and classes in various locations across the triangle. Sometimes you will need to sign up through an external registration system like RecLink or another city’s recreation system, but you can still see all available classes on the Snapology website.

If you’re looking for more classes and tours around Raleigh, check out our list here!