Take a Child Outside (TACO) week is an annual event founded to help connect children with nature. By celebrating opportunities for children to have free play outside, highlighting locations to explore the outdoors, and providing simple activities anyone can do, the aim is to increase the number of children experiencing the natural world.

Raleigh Parks participates in the celebration each year, and they have scheduled the following activities to get you outside! You must register for each even in advance on RecLink.
Self Guided Story Walk
Saturday and Sunday, September 26th and 27th at Blue Jay Point County Park
Just as some of our local birds are thinking about flying south for the winter, in Those Darn Squirrels Fly South written by Adam Rubin and illustrated by Daniel Salmieri, some crafty squirrels use ingenious ways to go south too, which warms the heart of the grumpy old man who watches them.
You can find this StoryWalk® along the asphalt path/walkway section of the Laurel Loop Trail near the playground. This path is short, shaded and paved! Enjoy the StoryWalk® between 10am and 6pm each day, weather depending, rain will cancel.
Chimney Swifts
Tuesday, Sep-29-2020, 6:30PM – 8:00PM, Walnut Creek Wetland Center
Join us as we celebrate the migratory chimney swifts and learn why their future is threatened. After a short education session, we’ll walk across the street to watch them as they come together in a magical aeronautical show before roosting for the night in the chimney at Carnage Magnet Middle School. Times are approximate and may be adjusted as the date approaches. There is no rain date for this event.
Compass Basics
Sunday, Sep-27-2020, 4:00PM – 6:00PM, Thomas G Crowder Woodland Center
Have you ever been lost in the woods? This course will teach you the basic skills needed to navigate using a compass through fun, hands-on experience. We will end the course with a fun orienteering activity. Adult(s) must accompany child(ren), but do not need to register. Advance registration is required for this program.
Show Courses
Guided Nature Walks
Wednesday, Sep-30-2020, 10:00AM – 11:30AM, Classroom-Forest Ridge Park
Get outside and explorer the trails at Forest Ridge Park. Join one of our experienced naturalists to gain information on flora, fauna, or just enjoy walking as part of a group. These walks are designed for the whole family. Routes and topics will be tailored to accommodate the group. Dress for the weather and wear comfortable shoes.
Know Your Knots
Monday, Sep-28-2020, 5:30PM – 7:30PM, Deck – Thomas G Crowder Woodland Center
Join us during ‘Take A Child Outside’ Week for knot tying activities. A well tied knot can go a long way. In this program participants will learn how to tie 10 useful knots. Participants will even put a few to the test to see how well their knots hold up. Adult(s) must accompany child(ren), adult(s) do not need to register. Advanced registration required.
Beaver Pond
Wednesday, Sep-30-2020, 12:45PM – 2:15PM, Annie Louise Wilkerson Nature Preserve
Discover how beavers live, eat and play in their watery world. Weather permitting, we will search for beaver signs in and around the nature preserve’s pond. Story and craft are included. Advance registration is required for this program. Adults must accompany their children.
Nature Play Day
Saturday, Sep-26-2020, 11:00AM – 3:00PM, Picnic Shelter – Annie Louise Wilkerson Nature Preserve
Join us to make time for playing in nature. Children of all ages, as well as the young at heart, are welcome to join us for imaginative play in a natural setting. Dig for gemstones, make a fort out of natural materials, fly a kite, make mud pies and more. We’ll provide the materials and guidance to get you started on a playful adventure, free of charge! Note: Adults must accompany their children.
Twilight Walk
Friday, Sep-25-2020, 6:30PM – 8:00PM, Park Office – Annie Louise Wilkerson Nature Preserve
Many animals are active around sunset or shortly after. Take a walk with a park naturalist to explore the woods and fields at this special time. Look for deer, coyotes and owls. This program is designed for families with young children. Advance registration is required for this program. Adults must accompany children. Adults and children (4 years and up) must register. This program takes place on trails that may not be accessible by strollers.
Check out a Nature Backpack
Backpack kits are available at Walnut Creek Wetland Park, Durant Nature Preserve, and Annie Louise Wilkerson Nature Preserve. Go to the main office and get a kit to help you go bird hunting, bug collecting, or nature exploring!
Take a Walk
If all else fails, go take a walk! Check out our list of great spots to take a walk in and around the Raleigh area.