We were able to participate in a Tinkergarten class last year and I thought I’d share our amazing experience with you!

I don’t know about you, but I sometimes struggle with just playing with my kids. My mind wanders and it’s hard to stay engaged in pretend play. When I take my kids to the park I usually use that time to catch up with a friend while my kids free play.
Tinkergarten is PERFECT for us because it’s an outdoor class that guides your nature play. Not only are your kids exploring nature and being creative, they are also learning social skills and natural science concepts in the process!
Story time
Our class started with a story time to read the book “Stone Soup.” It’s a classic fairy tale, but I had never read it before. It talks about sharing and taking care of your fellow neighbor – a great value to instill in our kids!
Nature Exploration
After story time, each kid was given a bucket and told to collect items from nature to make our stone soup. We were looking for items to represent potatoes, carrots, onions, and cabbage (the ingredients used in the soup). This of course took some creativity. The kids looked a little confused at first so the teacher got us started by pointing to a rock and saying, “Look a potato!” After that the kids realized we were pretending and they went wild grabbing twigs, leaves, and rocks from all around.

The teacher then gathered everyone back together and filled a pot with water. We were to add our ingredients and stir it up to make our soup. Each kid had fun stirring the pot and contributing to the group. Once it was done, we had a pretend bowl of our soup and discussed what we did. Tinkergarten has a no trace left behind policy, so once everything was cleaned up we had a picnic under the trees with lunch we had brought from home. This helps encourage community among the kids and caregivers!

Take a class
There are two types of classes designed for either ages 6 to 18 months, or ages 18 months to 8 years. The mixed-age group concept helps kids learn from each other. The teacher will always guide you in a creative nature activity you’ve probably never thought of that will get your kid’s bodies moving and their minds thinking. If you’re new to Tinkergarten you can try out a trial class for free before committing to a session. Classes are located all over Raleigh in various parks so you are sure to be able to find a location near you.
If a class isn’t right for you at this point in time, you can also browse their free list of DIY activities on their website. I have pulled this list out during our backyard play many times, and it always sends us on a fun adventure that keeps me engaged as well as the kids.
I definitely recommend trying out a class! If you’re looking for other types of classes for kids, check out our list of reviews here.