We shared in our previous post about tips for navigating schools in Wake county that in addition to your base public school, you also have magnet and charter school options. Confused about Wake County Magnet Elementary School options? Not to be confused with Charter schools, are you unsure what magnet schools even are?
What are Magnet schools?
Magnet schools are free public schools that have a theme or focus in their learning style, which they use to attract a diverse student population. Historically, magnet schools were used to further promote desegregation in inner city schools.
Admissions Process
You must apply and be accepted to attend a magnet school. Instead of a random lottery, priority is given to certain families based on socioeconomic status. You can find out more information and determine your priority by visiting the WCPSS website.
If you are low priority don’t worry, you still have a chance! 10% of the seats at each school are given out randomly in a lottery to those that apply. Keep in mind that you are also limited to which magnet schools you can even apply to, so check your options using the address lookup tool.
Wake County Magnet Schools
After attending the big magnet fair this past weekend I realized that my most asked questions included:
- Where is the school located?
- What is the theme?
- What are the school hours?
After searching online I couldn’t find a resource that showed what I needed so I decided to make one!
Below is a map of all of the magnet Elementary school options in Wake County so you can easily find schools near you. Similar to our Raleigh Tot Spots park map, click on the school for more information including it’s magnet theme and school hours. I’ve also included the theme descriptions below straight from the WCPSS Magnet Explorer.
Schools are color-coded based on their magnet theme. I grouped some themes together if they were similar, but if you click the square icon in the top left corner of the map it will show you the description. Let me know if there’s anything else you would like to see added!
Wake County Magnet Elementary School Themes
This magnet program is rooted in the belief that every student has gifts and talents that are valued and nurtured through this model. Students in GT schools explore an extensive menu of electives, all which enhance the Common Core and Essential Standards, and all of which are designed to develop students’ strengths and interests. Through this structure, students have the opportunity to customize their academic programs by choosing elective courses according to their academic needs and interests. World Language instruction and expanded visual and performing arts opportunities are available K-12. Students in the AIG (Academically or Intellectually Gifted) Basics program are grouped with other AIG-identified students for language arts or math, according to their individual qualifications. All schools that offer the AIG basics theme offer it in conjunction with the GT magnet theme.
This program has an emphasis on learning and expression through the integration of the arts in all areas. Arts teachers and science teachers are specialists who work with classroom teachers to help bring the arts into math, science, social studies, and language arts. With the addition of a science learning lab and a specialized science teacher, all students are provided expanded hands-on science instruction beyond that taught in the regular classroom.
Through extensive partnerships with local museums, arts centers, and government organizations, students interact with these community resources for an enhanced learning experience that transcends the classroom walls. The Paideia Principles are applied throughout the day, which provides students the opportunities to create products that demonstrate their understanding of the Standards. Through these dynamic student interactions, the school is transformed into a museum of student work.
International education is taught through integrated units of study that include world investigations, global perspectives, communication of ideas and local and global action. Students in the International Studies magnet have the opportunity for daily study in one of five world language choices beginning in kindergarten through fifth grade. Language classes are leveled and include Chinese, French, Spanish, Japanese and German. Students also select classes from a menu of internationally focused arts and PE courses. Twenty-first century tools assist students in learning about the rich world around them and various means of communicating across cultures to become global ambassadors.
This language immersion program offers students an opportunity to develop English acquisition as well as Spanish language development. The NC Standard Course of Study is utilized throughout all of the language immersion programs. Students, however, take their literacy, math, social studies, and science classes in a second language. While students are together for their immersion experience, they have the opportunity to participate in globally focused specials, taught in English, during other parts of the day
The Center for Design and Computer Sciences prepares students for future success by introducing them to foundational computer science knowledge and competencies. This program fosters the development of critical non-cognitive skills such as perseverance, decision-making, and self-motivation. Students in all grade levels engage in instruction using coding languages and concepts. Additionally, students complete elective courses that incorporate technology use on topics such as robotics, computer programming, digital music, and digital art, to name a few. A thematic curriculum encourages students to implement design processes, think critically, demonstrate creativity, problem-solve, and work collaboratively. This thematic curriculum is grounded in a computational thinking and design framework.
Entrepreneurial Design is the application of a mindset allowing students to be forward-thinking problem finders and solvers. As we prepare students for careers that do not exist, we need them to persevere, be creative, innovative, great communicators, and multi-talented. A CONNtreprenuer uses the content they learn to identify a problem in their school, community, or around the world, and creates a solution involving a good or service, while learning from business and organizational partnerships. Students will hear from speakers, video conference with those experts further away, and participate in content based excursions to see how the content they learn is applied in the real world.
The Engineering magnet program brings together science, technology, engineering and math (also called STEM) in ways that make learning fun. Students work together to ask, imagine, plan, create and improve as a way to solve real world problems and improve learning in all subjects areas. Through this approach, students begin to see how those subjects are relevant to what they are studying in the classroom and the real world.
The Environmental Connections program engages students in daily instruction in core content areas delivered through the lens of environmental and life sciences. Students at each grade level engage in multidisciplinary, project-based learning through the completion of Environmental Challenge Inquiry Units. The Environmental Challenge Inquiry Units focus on four broad themes: 1) living things, 2) earth science/solar system, 3) environmental/community connections, and 4) weather and climate. These units are grade-specific, standards-aligned, project/problem-based learning activities. Students also participate in Expeditions ~ multidisciplinary elective classes rooted in math and literacy content and process skills. All students have the option of taking these Expedition classes in theme-related areas that will extend what they are learning in the core subjects.
The truth is that good leadership requires more than natural ability. With a program emphasis on 21st century leadership and character development, students at the leadership magnet learn to communicate effectively, collaborate, make ethical decisions and motivate others. They show initiative and participate in service learning. See this model at A.B. Combs woven throughout Stephen Covey’s book, The Leader in Me.
Unleashing each child’s full potential as a well-rounded global citizen, this magnet program focuses on leadership and world languages as a vital component in every student’s education. Students have daily instruction in either Mandarin Chinese or Spanish. Using Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, students learn and practice integrity, initiative, work ethic, cooperation, confidence, and service to the community.
The Montessori program offers a nurturing and supportive learning environment developing the whole child, including social, emotional, academic, and physical needs. Curriculum is delivered using the Montessori philosophy, methods, and materials. Student-led Project-Based Learning allows students to gain knowledge and skills by investigating and responding to a complex question or challenge.
Welcome to the only school in Wake County rooted in the play theory and curriculum. This program builds ingenuity within the culture of the teachers, learners, and staff my embedding elements of Play and Game-like learning within all curricular areas. Teachers use games to teach students about strategy, cooperation, communication skills, and problem solving. In grades K-3, learning comes through playing games. In grades 3-5, it evolves into learning more about the game theory and game design, helping students understand more complex concepts. This approach to learning offers developmentally appropriate challenges and enhances academic and socio-emotional proficiency.
The Interactive Community Theme is about building dynamic community within and outside of the school building. Inside the school building, community is created through small class sizes, high parent involvement, personalized education plans for all students, and quality learning experiences. Community is built outside the school building through service projects, valuable off campus learning opportunities, university connections, and partnerships with outside organizations. Partnership families are expected to volunteer an average of four hours per month in activities that support the school’s mission. Partnership operates on a modified year-round calendar.
The Primary Years Programme (PYP) seeks to develop the whole child to become a responsible member of a community. IB-trained teachers work together to create units of inquiry that inspire students to think about big ideas to promote international understanding and a global perspective. Students begin a study of Spanish in kindergarten and use advanced technology to explore the world around them. Students work to answer questions such as: Who are we? Where are we in place and time?
he Center of Spanish Language has a history of offering the most extensive Spanish program offered at a Wake County elementary school. All students in kindergarten through fifth grade receive instruction in Spanish every day. Along with the study of the language, students develop an understanding of Spanish culture through art, music, and dance. A perfect accompaniment to the language program, the IB program helps students ask questions through an inquiry model of teaching and learning. With an emphasis on community service, students become responsible, globally-minded citizens.
This language immersion program offers students an opportunity to develop English acquisition as well as Chinese language development. The NC Standard Course of Study is utilized throughout all of the language immersion programs. Students, however, take their literacy, math, social studies, and science classes in a second language. While students are together for their immersion experience, they have the opportunity to participate in globally focused specials, taught in English, during other parts of the day.
Students in the Spanish Dual Language Immersion Program will develop language proficiency in Spanish and English. Core instruction is provided by two teachers, both of whom teach all students, one teaching in English, and one teaching in Spanish. Specials classes (Art, Music, Physical Education, etc.) are taught in English, however, the teachers embed Spanish cultural connections during instruction.
I work as the director of marketing for magnet programs for WCPSS. I’m happy to answer questions. email magnetcenter@wcpss.net or call 919.533.7295. There are LOTS of resources at wcpss.net/magnet. You can find links to all schools’ tour schedules at wcpss.net/magnettours. You can see all magnet events wcpss.net/magnetevents.
Thanks Tamani! That’s super helpful and I’ll be sure to share on our Facebook page as well! Thanks for all you guys do in the Magnet office!
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